Fitness and lifestyle coach Ainsley Rodriguez has parleyed a personal health challenge into a thriving and highly social- media-friendly business of inspiring self-care journeys for others. Here are some of Ainsley’s nuggets of wellness wisdom.


Sweet or savory? Definitely sweet! I have always stocked up on chocolate and love having a bite of something sweet after dinner!

Biggest mistake? Over complicating everything. Instead of following the proven principles that fit into my life, I attempted (usually unsuccessfully) to revolve my life around what someone else convinced me was the “best way.” This always led to diet-hopping, starting a program that was too grueling to sustain, and then, of course – shame from giving up, yet again, on another program.

A carb you are willing to do anything for? Pastellitos! Cuban pastries are my weakness and take me back to my childhood days when I was fully convinced sugar was a balanced breakfast.

Wellness cringe? ‘Skinny’ teas. No tea or waist trimmer will do the work that diet and exercise can. Consuming these regularly is a form of bulimia that can drastically harm your gut, liver, and body.

Go-to exercise? Squat thrust. This great full-body movement is bound to get your heart rate up!

Non-negotiable supplement? My probiotic. After years and years of harming my gut with chemical additives in food, I now understand just how important it is to take care of it!

Best morning routine tip? Start your day with affirmations and gratitude – then hydrate. For countless years I’ve been waking up and writing down a few things I’m grateful for, as well as affirmations beginning with ‘I am,’ and I can’t even begin to tell you the impact it has had on my life.

What hypes you up? Anything by Bad Bunny!

Beauty products you can’t live without? I am currently obsessed with French skincare! Having lived in South Florida all my life, I am no stranger to sunshine, and once I hit those 30s, my focus shifted from makeup to cover things up to skin care to prevent things from showing up!

Most overrated wellness practice? Restrictive diets for quick weight loss. From experience, I say restriction only leads to deprivation and binges.

What’s on your bedside? A book. I’m reading Joe Dispenza’s book titled ‘Becoming Supernatural,’ which focuses on our thoughts’ power and impact on our physical bodies.

Go-to workout set or bathing suit? Anything on There is never a shortage of cute fits; every item has a little extra ‘something’ to make it unique!

Word of advice. Eat well (mostly), pay attention to how certain foods make you feel, and stay active. Learn what works for YOU!

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